PC323 Oz 2006 Index of Postcards

324 HK to Singapore
325 Darwin
326 Arrive in Adelaide
327 Exploring Adelaide , Cricket etc
328 Hawke Lecture and Murray River
329 Museums and Fairs
330 Hill Billy Hoot, Skeptics etc
331 wiped my memory card saw some plays
332 Week Before Christmas
333 Adelaide Xmas
334 New Year in Adelaide
335 Willunga
336 Dairy Brothers Gig
... Fort Glanville

337 Morialta Park and Australia Day
338 Adelaide Conclusions

339 SE Asia Index Singapore, Sumatra, Malaysia

My Telstra number was 0448 368 996

PC323 Funny Old World
Travel troubles with Oasis Hong Kong

Video Message (Doesn't seem to play I'll work on it) Funny world isn't it. Sunday I was wondering around London watching a Shakespeare play. Then next I'm walking around Little India in Singapore. OK there was a monumental flight fuck up between. And then it was Thursday and I'm wandering around sultry Darwin, NT Australia.

Frog In Darwin The Hill Billy Hoot The Murray River
The Adelaide Oval

Events in Adelaide

So much live music in Adelaide. It seems there are about 40 live bands performing every night of the week See

So many sex Shops in Australia
Why are there so many sex shops on the streets of Australias cities ? In a small city I spotted about 20 in the downtown area And you pass them all the time travelling around Adelaide. They seem to be as common as dentists offices.

Tits hanging out
Why are there so many women walking around Adelaide ? I find it repellant, it doesn't look sexy it looks cheap. These women will low self esteem should realise that they are too good for a lot of men . (though I prefer women with almost no tits at all.)

The Drought that never was
If it rains every 2 weeks then how can they call it a drought ? People here have no idea about water conservation they grow lawns even though they live in a desert. Here there are sprinkler restrictions, but you can use a house pipe wheras in the south of England people are into their 10th month of a complete hosepipe ban Get Real Adelaide !

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